Wednesday, October 28, 2015

A Seemingly Pointless Anecdote

This might sound like it's a bragging post, but I swear it's not.
So, a while ago it was brought to my attention that I "broke the MAP test," courtesy of Mr. Virgen (haha). I got a 295 on the math portion of the test in fifth grade, which apparently is really good.
Now that I go to a different school, I've had opportunities to meet many new people who are much better than me at everything.
There's a bunch of seventh graders (like me) who play the flute and were put into the Wind Ensemble at my school. There's a guy named Mish (obviously not his real name) who got a perfect score on the math portion of the MAP test. There's a girl named Cat that's already on pointe (I'm going on pointe next year). And while I may possibly be the best artist of my age group (at my school), there are many other high schoolers and eighth graders who are so much better than me. Probably the only things I can count myself as good for my age group in are piano, art, and math.
What's the point of this seemingly endless anecdote? I'm here to advise you all to pick one thing and stick with it. I dance, play the flute, draw, play the piano, do math outside of school, and write, but I'm not good at any of them. You could say I'm a Jack-of-All-Trades. If you want to get into a good college, pick one talent and become exceptional at it. Don't quit. Practice for at least an hour every day. Don't overschedule yourself and leave some room for the other interests you have, but prioritize that one thing over everything else (except schoolwork).
"Wise" Advice done,

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