Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Stock Market

I'd first like to apologize for not posting here recently, things have been hectic.
Anywho, I figured I would talk about one of the ongoing projects in our classroom- the Stock Market Project.
The first thing you need to know about this project is that it takes up the span of six weeks and is the equivalent of spending over 60 hours on a project that isn't even that interesting anyway.
Every day you need to 'invest' money in the stock market. Not ACTUALLY investing money, of course. You're pretending to put money into the market, and you can track it with a digital chart. It sounds easy enough, and that's what we all thought too.
This project is a living nightmare (though not as bad as the History Fair.). What seemed to be a simple assignment turned out to be a really difficult project.
Every week, you need to create a screenshot of your chart. Then, a graph needs to be made of every chart from that point in time. THEN, you need to gather articles for every company you invested in (I had over 65 pages worth!) and write about each of them! Afterwards, you need to put it all in a binder and send it on it's way.
Wish me luck I suppose?

In other news, we got over 30 pageviews from a Russian dating app. (Привет, Pycckий!)
That's a little strange, but sorta cool! Thanks for checking us out.

Bye, everyone!

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