Sunday, October 25, 2015

Faith In Humanity

A lot of people on the internet say things along the lines of 'Humanity Faith Lost' or 'I think I've finally lost my faith in humanity.' 
Well, today, I think I finally learned how those people feel when they say those things. Not only does it sound like a story straight out of the YouTube comments section it feels like I made it up. I swear, it is that surreal.

So, today I was talking to my younger brother who I will refer to here as 'Tiger'. (For future reference, every real name and location here will be censored for privacy reasons. If you're clever enough, you may  figure out the real locations.)
Tiger walked into the kitchen and told me that when he was, somebody was named 'Squeeble'. This is something that a kid across the street says quite often. My brother figured it might've been him.
"Well, why don't you go and ask him?" I ask.
"It's because I don't have his text." Tiger replies.
At this point I'm a little concerned, but I press on.
"So why don't you go across the street and ring the doorbell?"
"Yeah, but who does that anymore?"
I stare at him and walk out of the room.
Faith in humanity lost.


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